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January Self Care Journey - Week Two

Week 2 - Tips to Instill Calmness

This week we're focusing on the body, mind, and spirit. It's important to give each the attention it deserves.

Body - Take a Warm Bath

Soak your stress and anxiety in warm water. A soothing bath will boost your blood flow and enhance your energy level as well.

Mind - Meditate for 10 Minutes

Meditations don’t have to be a 30-minute session. Schedule 10 minutes a day to sit down with your thoughts and see how it feels.

Spirit - Take a Digital Sabbatical

Unplug for an hour or more a day, a full day or more a week, and consider one week every seven weeks. Allow your spirit some time to detach from being bombarded with information exchanges.

What are your self-care intentions this week?







This week, my self-care included:

Sunday _____________________________________________________________________

Monday _____________________________________________________________________

Tuesday _____________________________________________________________________

Wednesday __________________________________________________________________

Thursday ____________________________________________________________________

Friday _______________________________________________________________________

Saturday ____________________________________________________________________

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